Dr. rer. nat. Jenny Melo

0202 439 2972
Mittwochs, 11-12 Uhr. Bitte per E-Mail vorher für die Sprechstunde anmelden.
- Melo Clavijo, J., Frankenbach, S., Fidalgo, C., Serôdio, J., Donath, A., Preisfeld, A., & Christa, G. (2020). Identification of scavenger receptors and thrombospondin‐type‐1 repeat proteins potentially relevant for plastid recognition in Sacoglossa. Ecology and Evolution.
- Christa, G., Pütz, L., Sickinger, C., Melo Clavijo, J., Laetz, E.M.J., Greve, C. and Serôdio, J. (2018): Photoprotective Non-photochemical Quenching Does Not Prevent Kleptoplasts From Net Photoinactivation. Front. Ecol. Evol. 6:121. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2018.00121
- Melo Clavijo, J., Donath, A., Serôdio, J. & Christa, G. (2017): Polymorphic adaptations in metazoans to establish and maintain photosymbioses. Biological reviews (2018). DOI: 10.1111/brv.12430
- MELO, J , BELTRÃN-PARDO, E , BERNAL, J , KACZMAREK, L . (2015): New records of tardigrades from Colombia (Guatavita, Cundinamarca Department). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 39 (3), 412-420. DOI: 10.3906/zoo-1405-13
- Melo Clavijo, J., Preisfeld, A., Donath, A. & Christa, G. (2019): Transcriptomic evidence that photosymbiont recognition in cnidarians and sacoglossans depends on pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). 20th annual meeting of the Society for Systematic Biology (GfBS). München, 02.2019. (Poster)
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